The design team has developed the following aspirations and key principles to follow in order to achieve a sustainable development at Blackbird Leys. This has been led by our specialist sustainability team at Introba (formerly known as Elementa).
Establish a sustainable character
- The scheme will enhance local biodiversity, green networks and green spaces
- Priority will be placed on sustainable and recycled materials across both sites
- Recycling, product sharing and waste reduction will be promoted
Healthy green
active spaces
- Central to our design philosophy is people’s health and well-being
- We will deliver new accessible public spaces for play and recreation and promote active lifestyles within Blackbird Leys
- Our new homes will be welcoming, comfortable and good for your health
- The scheme will put pedestrians and cyclists first and promote public transport use
Support local community and promote equity
- We will deliver high quality homes and spaces for existing and new residents in an inclusive way
- The new indoor and outdoor public spaces will offer the community high quality shared facilities that meet local need
- The development will seek to boost the local economy and promote local opportunities
Pathway towards
a zero carbon future
- All homes will be well insulated and efficient using heat recovery systems to help keep energy bills as low as possible
- We are working to a set of internationally recognised principles for sustainable homes
- We will strive to reduce the on-site carbon emissions
- We will seek to provide energy monitoring systems in all homes